please Read on ....
Spring Peeper
Pseudacris crucifer
photographer:   Lisa K. Schlag
Lake County, 7 July 2012
Concord Township, Ohio

Eastern Tailed-Blue
Everes comyntas
photographer:   Lisa K. Schlag
Lake County, 29 August 2005
Kirtland, Ohio

this heartwarming video

an orphaned short-tailed fruit bat named Lil' Drac being hand-raised at
Bat World Sanctuary
please visit Bat World Sanctuary
to learn more about
these amazing creatures!!

please visit

for people who enjoy
the sights and sounds of nature
especially in their gardens

please visit

the only organisation in Europe devoted to the conservation of all invertebrates, and actively working to save Britain’s rarest little animals....

Ichneumon Wasp (female)
Megarhyssa sp.
ovipositor inserted in wood photographer:   Lisa K. Schlag
LakeView Cemetery,14 September 2004
Cleveland, Ohio

Milkweed seeds
Asclepias sp.
photographer:   Lisa K. Schlag
Walnut Beach, 20 November 2012
Ashtabula, Ohio

Twelve-spotted Skimmer (male)
Libellula pulchella
photographer:   Lisa K. Schlag
Dorset Wildlife Area, 22 June 2012
Dorset, Ohio

Black-capped Chickadee
Poecile atricapillus photographer:   Lisa K. Schlag
Backyard, 25 November 2012
Shaker Heights, Ohio

Red-spotted Purple
Limenitis arthemis astyanax photographer:   Lisa K. Schlag
Ashtabula County, 21 July 2012
Kingsville Township, Ohio

Clouded Sulphur
Colias philodice photographer:   Lisa K. Schlag
Dorset Wildlife Area, 22 June 2012
Dorset, Ohio
Thank you C.Sue White!
Pileated Woodpecker
Dryocopus pileatus
photographer:  C.Sue White
Backyard, 29 December 2012
Sagamore Hills, Ohio

Eastern Pondhawk (female)
Erythemis simplicicollis
photographer:   Lisa K. Schlag
Dorset Wildlife Area, 16 May 2012
Dorset, Ohio

Variegated Fritillary
Euptoieta claudia
photographer:   Lisa K. Schlag
N.Kingsville Sand Barrens, 28 June 2012
North Kingsville, Ohio

Eastern Milk Snake
Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum
(young) (adult) photographer:   Lisa K. Schlag
Hiram Field Station, 21 May 2012
Hiram, Ohio

Large Milkweed Bug
Oncopeltus fasciatus
photographer:   Lisa K. Schlag
N.Kingsville Sand Barrens,30 June 2012
North Kingsville, Ohio
Cicada Killer
Sphecius sp. photographer:   Lisa K. Schlag
Ashtabula County, 19 July 2012
East Geneva, Ohio
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W e l c o m e

and a bit about Why developing bioloGicalrecorder is exciting!

  On my LinkedIn profile, I describe myself as a wildlife and plant enthusiast.  And that, I am.  I am also very curious and enjoy being out in Nature:  observing, learning about, and just plain appreciating her beauty.  Seeing undisturbed wildness is thrilling and important to protect!  I know many of you have experienced some very splendid places that one day I hope to as well.  But, the sense of wonder, peace, and sheer joy (basically that sense of Wow)  one gets from experiencing Nature and her charges can be found in many places near and far.

One of my favorite book passages describes it best:

"Happy is the man who finds his diversion in nature.  No matter what misfortune may overtake him, he finds solace with the limitless variety of relationships with which he is surrounded and never lacks a compelling interest."   

Frank C. Pellett, 1931

If you enjoy gardening for wildlife, please visit my original website:

Appreciate your time,
